Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Who's Got A Barrel?

So after our little set back yesterday, we finally made it to good 'ol Niagara Falls! We are staying in the Canadian Niagara KOA. Its a great place and we highly recommend it to any travelers! Cheap and clean..can't ask for much else. (hot tub, indoor/outdoor pool, and sauna?...definately a plus in my book!) 


As for Niagara...well...lets just agree that I couldn't possibly do justice trying to put into words how amazing it is to see in person. No picture will truly do justice to the size and pure power of these falls.  In a last minute decision we decided to take the boat tour. (why the heck not right!?) Definitely something I will never forget. Its one thing seeing it all from far away...It's a whole different story being right up underneath (as long as you don't mind getting completely soaked that is)


The falls during the day were great and all, but my favorite was seeing them lit up at night. Lucky for us, we picked the perfect night to go. We just so happened to visit on a night where there were fireworks over the falls. It truly was the icing on the cake. 


Oh Celine.... haha! (disobeying the sign!)

Tomorrow we are off to Michigan! Woo Hoo!  

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