If you follow, you know we have been broken down and spending time in the Great State of Wisconsin. lol Well we are doing our best to keep busy and maintain a level of fun and excitement. Luck for us, Jelly Belly has free tours of their distributing factory! woo hoo! free candy haha! Anything to keep the time passing while we wait for the van to be fixed. We thought of how Celines Pepere would be quite jealous, as he loves jelly beans :P
The dealership was supposed to have us back on the road today but unfortunately, the part that they ordered from Chicago was "faulty" and did not fix the issue. After much debate, the general manager assured me he would get an answer for us as to what would happen next. We were told that they were going to have to order a new computer for the van. The unfortunate part of that is, we had got the last computer module from the Chicago warehouse. This means that there would not be an overnight delivery. I was told that we would have to now wait 3 to 4 days for the new part to be shipped. I demanded overnight shipping on the part as we do not have the means to keep finding places to sleep here. Somehow we got the mechanic to push for expedited shipping under the condition that there is a chance it will possibly take an extra day given the pretense that it's coming from another timezone and they might not be able to ge the order in quick enough to constitute overnight shipping. Fingers are crossed. !!!
Thanks to my amazing Mom, she helped us by putting us up in a Holiday Inn for the night in Milwaukee. After last nights weather consisting of thunder, lightning, rain, and strong LOUD winds, as well as the accompanying 1000 bug bites, we were not in the mood to be sleeping in a tent again on the hard cold ground. Thank you so much mom we love you !! :)
There was a complementary Open Bar here at the hotel. We took advantage of it by trying out some local brews. The New Glarus Brewing Co. has a really nice Spotted Cow Ale that was actually really good. You won't find this anywhere else besides Wisconsin so why not try em out?
So glad they had a room since all the other hotels were full!! Fingers crossed that part comes in today xxoo