Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Final Hoorah

So the last post to wrap up the amazing adventure we had is most certainly well over due. Unfortunately the delay was caused from my hard failing upon our return. With this failed drive went all the pictures from the trip. It was a very stressful couple weeks thinking that I lost all these pictures that I put my time and energy into. With help from the Hamel's I was able to retrieve the lost data and all the pictures on it. I am ever so grateful for them doing that for me. Since then I have been busy job hunting and working as a substitute teacher. During this time I have constantly felt that I needed to wrap up the blog with one final post...So here it is. 

To summarize out last leg of the trip.

After leaving Louisiana we shot straight in through to Myrtle Beach SC. We got to stay in my families beach house and spend time with my aunt and uncle. The weather was not really ideal for a beach town so we weren't really able to go to the beach. We made the best of our time  there and explored the surrounding area. Had dinner at Jimmy Buffets Magaritaville and went shopping at Broadway on the Beach. ]

After a couple nights there it was northbound to Elon NC to see our best friend Bridget. On our way out of Myrtle Beach, we stopped at South of the Boarder for a bite to eat and to grab some fireworks just because we could. When we got to Bridget's the weather was still cloudy and wet so we spent time lounging, watching movies, and of course, drinking! Haha 

Friday morning, it was back on interstate 95 we went to head north a grueling 11 hours into NYC. We made the last minute decision to stop in to see some of our old work friends. It also broke up a very long drive into two days, which was nice. We were invited to stay at our good friends house for the night in Brooklyn. Janill and Josh,(and Leon) thank you again! 

Saturday was the day. The day this amazing trip came to a halt. We arrived home around 2:00pm on September 27th. We traveled the country and saw some of the most beautiful places and it only took us  74 days 6 hours and 52 minutes.

Thank You Again,
 To anyone and everyone who followed the blog or the #Thesiteswesee. Also a special thank you to everyone along the way that helped us in what ever way big or small. From giving us a place to stay, to simply spending time and hanging out with us, we truly appreciate it more than words can describe. We will never forget this trip and we are happy to have made so many new friends along the way.

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