Friday, August 22, 2014

Oregon Pour it on.

Before getting to Oregon, while passing through Washinton, we visited Palouse Falls. It was off the beaten path but it was pretty cool and I'm glad we went. We didn't stay long before continuing on to our most anticipated city...

Portland! The city with more brewhouses per capita than any other city in the world! We had a lot of fun in Oregon. Upon arrival we stopped at the Washington Park rose test garden. It was very relaxing and colorful. We stayed with some of Celine’s extended family, Jackie and Allan (and Jelly). They were just the best. Jackie cooked us some of the best food we have had all summer! They took us into the city so we could walk around one day. Of course we decided to check out some of the brewhouses and taste as many different beers as we could! There are so manny good local beers it is nearly impossible to pick a favorite. Another day they drove us up to see the hotel on mt Hood that is shown in the classic movie The Shining. We took the time to stop at the mountain resort down the road and try the “alpine slide”, which was a winding track down the mountain that you ride down on a little cart that you sit on. It was a lot cooler than I thought it was going to be (they actually go pretty fast!) I honestly can’t thank Jackie and Allan enough for all they did for us. They took us in like we were their own kids and it was so great to have had the chance to stay there. If you guys log on and see this, we thank you guys so much for everything you have done !!

Our next stop after leaving Portland was Crater Lake National Park. I have always wanted to see this geological wonder and was not disappointed upon arrival. The size of this crater is enormous and the fact that it is the deepest lake in all of the north America makes it pretty impressive. There was only one way we could get down near the crystal blue water and that was by a strenuous hike down into the crater at Cleetwood Cove. The hike drops over 700ft in elevation in just one mile. When we reached the bottom we found a nice area where people were all hanging out and jumping off a small cliff into the water. Of course we all had to jump! How often do you get the chance to leap into the second deepest lake in the world? The water was a little chilly but it was so clean and crystal clear. You can see rocks underwater way down deep yet it looks like they are just right beneath the surface. After a couple of hours at the water we began our accent to the crater rim. The pamphlet says the hike out of the crater is equivalent to walking up 65 flights of stars. We were a little tired when we reached the top, but I think that with all the hikes we have been doing, we aren’t too phased by a hike of this difficulty. 


After Crater Lake, we found a camping spot still within the parks boarders but outside the main gates of the National Park. The spot was basically a parking lot with a small cabin that is used in he winter for snow mobile riders to crash at and hang out. It was extremely quiet and peaceful. The only visitor we had was a young deer passing through our campsite while we were hanging out drinking by the cars. 

Our next stop is going to be the Great Redwood national Forest in northern California! Before leaving Crater Lake National Park, we decided to stay a night at the free “snow lot” that is in the park. It’s basically a big parking lot that has a few buildings in the woods for when people come in the winter to ride snowmobiles. Very cool place. At night we were amazed at how absolutely silent the woods are. There were no crickets or any other creatures making noise…until a deer came meandering into our camp while we sat drinking some beers.

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